I want to remember my grandfather, Gordon. He was a wonderful man, a loving grandfather. Loved my grandmother dearly to his death. He was a strong willed man and his memory remains in my heart. I wish I could have seen him one last time, his time passed so quickly and it was over. He died of lung cancer.
I want to remember 2 people who to me were like parent's they were good to me and they passed so quickly it broke my heart into a million pieces. Remi and Linda. Remi passed of an aneurism, one minute he was here and the next he was gone. He was a loving father and a wonderful man, with a great sense of humour. Linda was beautiful to me inside and out. She was never afraid to tell you how she saw things, she was up front and real, but in a very nurting and loving way. Her time too came quickly and in a minute she was taken from us. She died of a heart attack in her own home. Not a day goes by I don't think about her and wish I could have one more day with her.
I want to remember my sister in law who I never got to meet. Talked on the phone and she was sweet to me when we did talk. Tara died after giving emergency c-section to her premature baby girl. They say she died of HELP, had never heard of it before but she was too gone in very little time. My brother was devestated but he still had his baby girl to live with, ALDEN. Alden was born aug 31/03 but died of SIDS dec 04/03 she was due to be born in oct 03. I was going to meet her in one more month, I will never get over the fact I never went to see her when I wanted to and I hold that regret within me. She was new and beautiful and the hurt is so deep. I wish I could bring her back, but the reality is I can't. My brother has been strong through out all of this and I think it helps us to see he is getting through.
Lastly I'd like to remember Phil's grandmother, I was lucky to see her once. I felt a strong pull to buy her an angel, but never got to get it she passed not long after I saw her. She was a sweet lady
Thankfully for right now this is the losses I have had, I pray everyone else lives healthy and well and that we won't loose someone else quickly. Life just throws such curve balls you just never know.
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